
jake gyllenhaal中文是什么意思

  • 格莱恩哈尔
  • 格林哈尔
  • 积克格宁贺
  • 佳兰贺
  • 杰克.杰伦哈尔
  • 杰克・吉伦希尔
  • 杰克贾伦何



  • 例句与用法
  • With blue eyes , short dark - brown hair and medium build , the ideal candidate would appear to be film star jake gyllenhaal
    女性心目中的“白马王子”应该是蓝眼睛、深棕色短发、中等身材? ?看来影星杰克?吉伦黑尔( 《断背山》主演)很符合标准。
  • And he could n ' t be happier . the shirts are the ones worn by the ill - fated lovers , played by heath ledger and jake gyllenhaal , in oscar front - runner " brokeback mountain .
  • Kennedy ' s ebay description of the vehicle says it was driven by jack twist , played by jake gyllenhaal , when he meets ennis del mar , played by heath ledger , at the start of the film
    他说: “这个电影的影响正变得越来越大,我认为自己可以成功地将这辆车出手,然后把赚来的钱存起来留着上大学时再用。 ”
  • One night , when their campfire dies , and the biting cold drives them to huddle together in a bedroll , a sudden spark between ennis del mar ( heath ledger ) and jack twist ( jake gyllenhaal ) flares into an undying flame
  • One night , when their campfire dies , and the biting cold drives them to huddle together in a bedroll , a sudden spark between ennis del mar ( heath ledger ) and jack twist ( jake gyllenhaal ) flares into an undying flame
  • " brokeback " gallops into the show armed with a leading eight academy awards , including best picture , best director , best actor for australian heath ledger , best supporting actor for co - star jake gyllenhaal and best supporting actress for michelle williams . but only two people will know whether the daring and controversial romance has indeed
  • 推荐英语阅读
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